the below chart is all your contracts .blue rows is contracts that completed and yellow rows is uncompleted contracts
contracts table
customer_id | user_id | username | first_name | last_name | date_last_active | date_registered | country | postcode | city | state | order_id | parent_id | Start Date | date_created_gmt | num_items_sold | Contract Amount | tax_total | shipping_total | net_total | returning_customer | Status |
bonus table
id | userid | orderid | bonus contracts | contract started date |
id | userid | orderid | bonus contracts | contract started date |
the below chart all active contracts with start and end date and profit information
blue rows is contracts they are not expired
red rows is contracts they are expired . if you see the red rows please try to renew your contracts
Active contracts
id | user_id | Contracts Amount | Period / Month | Profit | Start Date | End date |